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Another peaceful day in the Jungle, next to the River drinking water, you know, animal things.. What's that?!? Are those.. Two Humans? Oh Gosh they spotted me

I am trapped in a Circus, but I have to escape somehow, without being seen by the Humans, no matter what kind of puzzle it is, I can solve it.. With you! Yes, you.. You are the One! Smart enough to help me...

#rpg #puzzle #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Welp, been studying the structure of a Circus. Where they keep what and what purpose each place Serves.. I am finally feeling happy working on Fox(C)us

Fox(C)us.. A Play on Words.

The main Protagonist is a Fox, but Trapped in a *C*ircus. Replace the 'X' in the title with a 'C' you get "Focus".. Sort of the main objective of the game.


No Updates for 2 years? Did I give up on another Project??
Let me make this clear.

Making 2D texture is way more fun than I expected, It might look really blurry as just the png, but in game, it looks really cool (especially since I made it myself :])

While you wait for an update on the progress of the game, here's a cute fox from alamy stock :)

It's really fun to mess around with Tilesets, can't believe all that effort I put into making this scene is just for the intro and outro cutscene.. Gotta start making the Circus now lol (Just a heads up, I already tried, and it's miserable)

My game's player animation are done, and boy is it sweet to look at your sprite move and groove..

I will get the basic frame-work of the game done, then make a Demo sketch to detail the levels out :)

I am working on another game... Since I had to cancel my last one I am starting a different one, and on a Different Game Engine. This will be a 2D RPG/Puzzle game.. I'll post updates when work has begun (currently making the sprites)